Sunday, October 7



I really had a hard time coming up with something “different” to try...but I did it!
To start I printed on white card stock the Power Poppy 
“Bittersweet Wreath” enlarged.
I taped this to my light box and using Derwent Inktense pencils I outlined and colored sections of the wreath and flowers.
Next I water colored with water and a fine brush.
From the same digi set I used another Inktense pencil to copy the verse and water color it.
On the inside of the white linen base card I used the light box again and copied the rest of the verse before water coloring it!
To finish I taped the dry main piece to the dry base card.
Since my birthday month is late September and I LOVE bittersweet I felt this accomplished both challenges.


  1. Oh, I really like the look you achieved here. It's beautiful. So glad you participated in the PINsprational Challenge. Sandy/DT

  2. I'm totally taken with your card!! Take a peek at our next newsletter.... have to feature your lovely Inktense creation - you did SUCH a lovely job. Great cropping/layout, too!

  3. Wow!! Your Bittersweet wreath is incredible!! Love the look and how you achieved it! Thanks so much for joining in on our Power Poppy Power and Spark challenge this month!


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