Tuesday, November 5

25 Tags of Christmas Tags...Day 1

Time to get your tags made for those presents you have hidden away.
Each day of the challenge you are to post which tag in spired you.
Today I chose...
Her poinsettia tag just called out to me.
Yesterday while shopping with hubby I found a Crafter’s Companion Gemini poinsettia stamp and die set.
On scrap card stock I stamped the image with black ink, any kind will do.
This a taped to my light box and placed a piece of water color paper over it and taped that down.
With Derwent Inktense pencils I colored the image and then floated to color with a water color brush and water.
Once dry i used one of the dies with the set to cut around the image.
This I trimmed down and applied to gold card stock, punched two small holes to apply the Crafter’s Floss in the corner.


  1. This is such a beautiful tag. I really love your poinsettia. Thanks so much for playing along at the 25 Tags of Christmas.

  2. What a gorgeous tag Arlene - love the gold behind the image layer


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