Saturday, October 13

2 for 1...

Once in a while you luck out and get two cards from one image.
For the CAS challenge I wanted to water color Penny Black’s “blossom branch” so I did.
I layered water color paper over the image stamped onto black card stock on my light box.
Next I used Derwent Inktense pencils to color and shade the image before applying the water with my watercolor brush, mine in a Grumbacher #10 round.
Once it was dry I loaded the brush with brown from my Arteza watercolor set and tapped it over the image to apply the dots.
It was looking great but not exactly CAS!
That’s when I got the idea to cut it in half.
Above is the right half of the image applied to a white linen base card and using love nicole’s die cut from green card stock I applied them to the front of the card.
Check out my next posting for the other half!


  1. What a beautiful watercolor piece! I love the soft orange flowers and mixture of the green and brown in the foliage! Can't wait to see the other half! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at CAS Watercolour!

  2. Beautiful watercoloured!! Love the idea of getting two cards from one large image. Love your design with the side panel and the die-cut sentiment. Great work! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

  3. Love your card! Wonderful soft watercolouring, great use of the colours for the challenge, and great layout! Thanks so much for joining us at CAS Watercolour!

  4. Oh my, this is a beautiful card! I am loving that beautiful flowers you have watercolored. So artsy but so soft and beautiful! Thanks for joining CAS Watercolour for the month of Oct! Hugs, Brenda


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