Sunday, November 4

mini card...

In order to comply with the square card sketch I did what I usually do and cut a 4-1/4” folded card so that it still fits in an A2 envelope!
The base card is white card stock with a layer of rust paper and a piece of glossy card stock that I used Tim Holtz Alcohol inks to make a background.
The strip on the card is the rust paper and the verse from Newton’s Nook Designs “Fall-ing For You” set is stamped on white card stock with Adirondack rust ink.
From the glossy card stock background I punched out two oak leaves with the Family Treasures oak leaf punch.


  1. Fabulous take on the sketch and love the fall theme and background! Thank you for joining our challenge at Back To Basics and Beyond!
    Diane BBB DT {Nellies Nest}

  2. A wonderful design followig the sketch, I love the sentiment and the card. So pleased you shared with us at Back to Basics and Beyond. We hope to see you visit us again. Caz DT.


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